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Message   August Abolins    Gamgee   The BOINC Project   July 17, 2022
 8:25 AM *  

Hello Gamgee!

** On Saturday 16.07.22 - 19:21, Gamgee wrote to All:

 G> Hello all, just wondering if anybody does anything with
 G> "distributed computing" projects.  Specifically the "BOINC"
 G> project.  It's designed to let you contribute your
 G> computer's "wasted" CPU cycles for something beneficial.
 G> If you have any computers that are always on but not really
 G> doing all that much, they might be a good candidate for
 G> something like this.

I prefer to make sure that all potential CPU cycles are at the  
ready for MY needs.  ;)   Besides, the cooler the pc runs (two  
laptops here) the better for me and the lifetimes of the CPUs  
and fans.

 G> [...] Most of these tasks run in TMUX windows/panes, so I
 G> can detach from them and they continue running until I re-
 G> attach and check/use them again.  Very handy to just SSH
 G> back into the RPi and resume where I left off.

"TMUX".. "can detach".. etc lingo, that's a bit over my head at  
the moment.

 G> Anyway, if you have, or are, also participating with BOINC,
 G> I'd like to hear about it.  It's one of those things that
 G> can make you feel like maybe you've done a little bit of
 G> good in advancing some scientific research.  Kind of
 G> satisfying stuff.

Reminds me of the outrage that some people experienced when  
they learned that their pcs were automatically participating in  
bitcoin mining.  I don't remember the original story at this  

--- OpenXP 5.0.51
 * Origin: The LOOK of MicroNET (618:250/1.9)
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