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Message   Northern Realms    All   Daily Horoscope   July 14, 2022
 8:01 AM *  

NYPost Daily Horoscope for Thursday, July 14, 2022

***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
You may be traditional in many of your views but what happens over the coming
year will open your mind to new ideas, some of which may seem a bit "way out"
to begin with. One of those ideas could transform your life beyond

**** Aquarius ****
January 20 - February 18
With Uranus, your ruler, linked to mind planet Mercury today you won't doubt
for a moment that you can reach whatever goal it is you are aiming for. But
don't underestimate the amount of work you need to put in. There are still
some hard yards ahead. 

**** Pisces ****
February 19 - March 20
A positive attitude is a must today and with both the Sun and Mercury moving
through the most dynamic area of your chart that won't be a problem. The
efforts you put in today, tomorrow and over the weekend will pay big dividends
later in the year. 

**** Aries ****
March 21 - April 19
Don't waste time on tasks that no longer inspire you. Get out and about and
spend the next 24 hours exploring a new social scene and making new friends.
Be wary of your emotions though. You could fall in love far too easily! 

**** Taurus ****
April 20 - May 20
An issue that has been worrying you for quite some time, most likely to do
with your cash-flow situation, should resolve itself to your satisfaction
between now and the weekend. Next time, don't get so worked up about purely
material things. 

**** Gemini ****
May 21 - June 20
A new start is possible at any time but if you begin something different today
there is every chance it will succeed beyond your wildest dreams. With
Mercury, your ruler, moving through the money area of your chart it could turn
a profit too. 

**** Cancer ****
June 21 - July 22
Act as if you are super-confident, even if yesterday's full moon knocked you
back a bit. People in positions of power will be watching you closely over the
next few days, so put on your best face and make sure they like what they

**** Leo ****
July 23 - August 22
The more you worry about a problem the more of a problem it will become, so
switch off the part of your brain that encourages negative thoughts and be
positive in word and deed at all times and in all situations. Be a life-
affirming Leo today. 

**** Virgo ****
August 23 - September 22
You may not be the most ambitious member of the zodiac but if you see an
opportunity to move a rung or two up the professional ladder today you must
seize it before someone else does. Use your talents to enrich yourself, not
other people. 

**** Libra ****
September 23 - October 22
A more easygoing approach to life's problems will work well for you between
now and the weekend, so quit obsessing about what other people may be doing
and focus on having fun. In the greater scheme of things that's what truly

**** Scorpio ****
October 23 - November 21
Be wary of anyone who tries to beguile you with stories of how successful they
have been. They may be telling the truth but they may also be hoping to get
you to invest in a project that carries a substantial risk. If in doubt, just
say "no". 

**** Sagittarius ****
November 22 - December 21
There is no point fighting with forces that are clearly too strong for you.
It's important that you know when to advance on your objective and when to
back off. That way you will stay in the game longer than if you had charged
recklessly ahead. 

**** Capricorn ****
December 22 - January 19
You can change your routines and methods if you want to but why go to all that
effort when they are still working for you? You may still be a bit shaken up
by yesterday's full moon, so delay making important decisions for the next 24

(C) 2022 NYP Holdings, Inc. & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved

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