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Message   Northern Realms    All   Daily Horoscope   July 11, 2022
 8:01 AM *  

NYPost Daily Horoscope for Monday, July 11, 2022

***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
It's time to draw a thick red line under the past and refuse to look back at
your earlier life for any reason. You have so much going for you now, so face
the future with confidence and make your next life chapter the most
adventurous by far.

**** Aquarius ****
January 20 - February 18
The message of the stars as the new week begins is that you need to face up to
a problem that on most occasions you would happily run away from. Deep down
you know the only thing to fear is fear itself, so stop worrying and get it

**** Pisces ****
February 19 - March 20
You are in no mood to suffer fools and anyone who tries to play mind games is
going to wish they had picked an easier target. You have a knack for knowing
when you are being lied to and that knack will come in handy today.

**** Aries ****
March 21 - April 19
The behavior of some of the people you have to deal with today may leave a lot
to be desired but don't make an issue of it - if they want to make fools of
themselves then let them. Stay calm and stay clear of their negative

**** Taurus ****
April 20 - May 20
You may believe you can get away with anything now, and maybe you can, but
that is not an invitation to bend rules and cut corners. You have a reputation
for straight thinking and straight dealing - don't jeopardize it by making
foolish choices.

**** Gemini ****
May 21 - June 20
You must treat everyone you meet and do business with as equals, even if you
don't actually believe they are as talented or ambitious as you. It won't hurt
to say the right things at the right times - and will increase your chances of
getting the right result.

**** Cancer ****
June 21 - July 22
Make sure everyone knows what it is you expect of them over the next 24 hours,
both at home and at work. Don't worry that you might come across as a bit too
domineering - that's better than being thought of as weak and ineffectual.

**** Leo ****
July 23 - August 22
Put on your fierce face today and make sure everyone knows you mean business.
On the work front, especially, colleagues and employers must be left in no
doubt at all that they won't be allowed to take advantage of you under any

**** Virgo ****
August 23 - September 22
Start the week the way you mean to go on, without a negative thought in your
head. Others can worry if they want to but you can see the future is bright
and will remain bright so long as you think and act as if the world is your

**** Libra ****
September 23 - October 22
A rival may issue some kind of challenge today and if they do you won't
hesitate for a single moment to take them on. Anyone who thinks you can be
easily intimidated is going to learn the hard way that Libra possesses a core
of steel.

**** Scorpio ****
October 23 - November 21
You need to take control of events both at home and at work today and you need
to do so with an iron hand. Don't worry that your ruthless approach might cost
you a friendship or two - what matters most is that others respect you.

**** Sagittarius ****
November 22 - December 21
By all means be assertive but don't give others the impression you believe you
can make and break rules as you see fit. If you get ideas above your station
then someone bigger and stronger could make it their business to bring you
down a peg or two.

**** Capricorn ****
December 22 - January 19
Your enthusiasm for a new plan or project will energize your efforts on both
the physical and mental levels and will also energize the people around you to
do more and do better. On the emotional level though you are advised not to
get carried away.

(C) 2022 NYP Holdings, Inc. & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved

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