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Message   Daryl Stout    Arelor   Re: What a day   March 23, 2022
 6:17 AM *  

 Ar> I am with Jad here. You sound a lot older than you are.

  Probably because I've got more experience. <G> I've been around the block
a few times, but lately, that's like taking an old toy wooden block, and
walking around it. <G>

 Ar> Age is prety much a state of the mind. I see a lot of people who is
 Ar> pshysically trashed but has the mentality of a 20 years old. Then there
 Ar> is a lot of people n their 50s who has small aches and has the
 Ar> mentality of grandpas in their 90s.

  I think I'm the latter. For one thing, I can do most of the basic math 
calculations in my head, without needing paper or a calculator. Most of
the kids today are lost once it gets past 10 fingers...if they can't get
to a calculator or their smartphone. :P


... Plan to be spontaneous tomorrow.
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 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)
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