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Message   Jas Hud    Mike Powell   Re: 'stuff...'   May 1, 2022
 12:25 PM *  

  To: Mike Powell
  Re: Re: 'stuff...'
  By: Mike Powell to JAS HUD on Sun May 01 2022 09:56 am

 > From Newsgroup: Micronet.MIN_CHAT
 > > i've seen people be wrecked before 50.  you have to take care of yourself.
 > > wh
 > >  i've seen personally is that if you don't slow down, you end up doing
 > > better.
 > That is true of my father, knock-on-wood.  He is nearing 80, has remained
 > fairly active, and seems to be without most of the aging issues that affect
 > others his age (and my age, as you pointed out!).

speaking of old age, i woke up to an hour long leg pain that was super horrible.
it ended up being  some kind of cramp.
i thought i was hydrated enough. maybe it was something i ate, too.
i also had a weird allergic reaction to my epson salt with lavender bath.
hands are red and swollen.

i took musle relaxer and benedryl and wild turkey.
doing better now.

but wow, the pain. never felt anything like it before. i thought my thick just
tore in half inside. i was screaming out loud.
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 * Origin: Time Warp of the Future BBS - Home of League 10 (618:300/12)
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