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Message   Jas Hud    Mike Powell   Re: 'stuff...'   April 30, 2022
 5:42 PM *  

  To: Mike Powell
  Re: Re: 'stuff...'
  By: Mike Powell to DARYL STOUT on Sat Apr 30 2022 09:55 am

 > From Newsgroup: Micronet.MIN_CHAT
 > >  JH> why are you in such bad shape? youre not that old. maybe you
 > >  JH> need physical rehab.
 > >   62 is NOT what I consider "young".
 > By today's standards, while it is certainly middle age for most, 62 is not
 > considered as old as it used to be, either.  It is "older" but is not "that
 > old."  Having physical challenges makes it seem older for sure, but you are
 > only as "that old" as you think you are.

you have to take care of yourself.  there's people in my family who were using a
walker at 35.  they said they had 'genetics' but they had those frozen snicker
bars in the freezer. they said they had bad knees but they never walked.  i have
those same knees and i go up and down ladders all day.  they hurt but i'm also
real heavy.

i've seen people be wrecked before 50.  you have to take care of yourself.  what
i've seen personally is that if you don't slow down, you end up doing better.
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 * Origin: Time Warp of the Future BBS - Home of League 10 (618:300/12)
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