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Message   Daryl Stout    Kurt Weiske   Re: 'stuff...'   April 29, 2022
 9:00 PM *  

 KW> That's corporate greed. Corporations lobby to promote legislation that
 KW> allows them to continue. The answer is campaign finance reform, but the
 KW> people who can vote that in have the most to lose.

  That's what the railroads are doing today with this "precision scale
railroading". They are making monster trains that are 3 miles long...and
many areas have crossings blocked for hours. With all that kinetic energy,
you can't stop those on a's a major disaster waiting to happen.
If areas know the extent of hazardous chemicals the trains were hauling,
they'd want the railroads shut down. But, the only way to move these hazmat
items is by rail...and many of these go into products we use every day.


... Why are there branch banks?? Money doesn't grow on trees!
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 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)
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