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Message   Daryl Stout    Jas Hud   Re: 'stuff...'   April 29, 2022
 8:39 PM *  

 JH> you could work on a phone for some company.

  I can't sit or stand for long periods of time. I was back in the ER last
night, with swollen legs and ankles. With having congestive heart failure
and atrial fibrillation, I didn't want to take a chance. 

  They did a chest X-Ray, blood work, an ultrasound, and an EKG. The EKG
showed atrial fibrillation (that hopefully will be allieviated with the
cardiac ablation surgery in early June), but the chest X-Ray showed no
fluid around the heart...and the ultrasound showed no blood clots (DVT).
The diagnosis was basically "water on the knee" (there's another name for
it, but it escapes me right now). With my conditions, I can't sit or stand
for long periods of time...and that includes work on the BBS, websites, or
with ham radio traffic nets. Yet, I have to have the walker next to me, as
I'm a fall risk when I get up.

 JH> i know a lot of people that have gone on disability and honestly they
 JH> could still work. I don't know you but i see you're still young.  maybe
 JH> there is something you could still do. when there's a will there's a
 JH> way.

  I don't consider 62 as "young"...AARP considers you a "senior citizen"
at 50.

  I don't rest well at night as it is, and it's getting harder and harder
to be at the computer for long periods of time anymore.


... I found a piano stool -- I thought they were potty trained!!
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 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)
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