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Message   Kurt Weiske    Jas Hud   Re: build back better   April 27, 2022
 7:09 AM *  

-=> Jas Hud wrote to Mike Powell <=-

 JH> my kia sucks in the snow too. i spun around 360 on the highway when
 JH> going to work. the roads weren't plowed or salted and it didnt have
 JH> super thick snow on it.  i was going 30 in a 70 and all of a sudden it
 JH> felt like something grabbed my car and spun it.

I hit black ice in Oakland, CA on a cold morning, driving a 4x4 toyota 
pickup (unfortunately in 2wd mode) and did a 360 once - luckily with no 
traffic and enough room to make it around.

I'm spoiled by AWD, while having 4wd and a granny low gear is nice in some 
situations, I'd rather be able to have all 4 wheels driving before I get in 
trouble without having to get out and lock hubs.   :)

... Move towards the unimportant
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