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Message   Gamgee    Daryl Stout   Re: 'stuff...'   April 28, 2022
 7:47 AM *  

-=> Daryl Stout wrote to Jas Hud <=-

 JH> get a life alert thing.

 DS>   I can't afford try living on just over $1000 a month.

They may be free, in this case.

 DS> I know folks who get less than I do, and they're in far worse
 DS> shape than I am. I'm seriously considering cutting back to eating
 DS> 1 meal a day, and not even 1000 calories in a day...just enough
 DS> to have food to take medications with.

I keep seeing things that don't add up...  In a message from you that I 
read about two minutes ago, in this same QWK message packet, you were 
talking about "snacking on dill pickle potato chips and ice cream 
sandwiches".  Now you say you may be able to only eat one meal a day.  
Which is it, Daryl?

 JH> why are you in such bad shape? youre not that old. maybe you
 JH> need physical rehab

 DS>   Again, I can't afford it. The government considers what I get
 DS> in disability as "too much money" for SSI (don't get me started
 DS> on that), and I'm ineligible for home health care as I'm not
 DS> "homebound" (stuck at home). Yet, at 62, I've got nearly 50
 DS> medical conditions, including congestive heart failure and atrial
 DS> fibrillation, and have to use a walker everywhere I go.

You didn't answer the question that he asked.  I'll ask it again:  Why 
are you in such bad shape?  I'm roughly the same age as you, and don't 
have ANY significant problems.  I've asked you this before and you've 
never answered:  Do you think there's a link between your eating habits 
and your bad health?  Do you think you could change the eating, and 
improve your health?  Do you *WANT* to improve your health, or not?

 DS>   Basically, unless folks have walked a mile in my shoes, they
 DS> have no right to talk.

We can all talk, in an effort to understand.  You don't seem very 
forthcoming when asked direct questions.  I wrote you a fairly lengthy 
message (in another network/echomail area) a couple of days ago, with 
lots of suggestions to improve things, and..... you don't even respond.

... 2 + 2 = 5 for extremely large values of 2.
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