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Message   Jas Hud    Daryl Stout   Re: 'stuff...'   April 28, 2022
 5:22 AM *  

  To: Daryl Stout
  Re: Re: 'stuff...'
  By: Daryl Stout to Jas Hud on Wed Apr 27 2022 08:03 am

 > heart failure and atrial fibrillation, and have to use a walker everywhere I
 > go.
 >   Basically, unless folks have walked a mile in my shoes, they have no right
 > to talk.

well you are sitting here at a keyboard talking to us.  how about a job where
you can work from home? whats you occupational background? could you do customer
service for a company or be a planner?

you could work on a phone for some company.

i know a lot of people that have gone on disability and honestly they could
still work. I don't know you but i see you're still young.  maybe there is
something you could still do. when there's a will there's a way.

you could even make stuff to sell on amazon. for example, fishtank decorations
and plants are expensive.  I've found ways to find that stuff cheaper and make
my own.  you can get the plants from other sources and they are okay for being
inside tanks.  you can spend 10 bucks on these artificial plants, and use just 2
per assembly that you can sell for 10-15 bucks on amazon.

this is just an example though.  there's ways to do hustle. i worked with a guy
who did all kinds of stuff. i worked with a guy that made fishing lures and make
good money selling them.

dont give up because you're still young. things might not be as bad as you

being broke and living on a real small income sucks and it's no way to live.
i've been poor and i was raised poor.  i'd rather be dead than go back to that
way of living.
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 * Origin: Time Warp of the Future BBS - Home of League 10 (618:300/12)
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