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Message   Mike Powell    JAS HUD   Re: build back better   April 27, 2022
 5:03 PM *  

>  > The moron bit could be more the issue than the vehicle itself.  Maybe Shawn
>  > will have more luck with one.

> no i drive it too. totally sucks in the snow.  i'm sure shawn can handle it, t
> ugh.

Well, so much for my theory then.

> my kia sucks in the snow too. i spun around 360 on the highway when going to w
> k. the roads weren't plowed or salted and it didnt have super thick snow on it
>  i was going 30 in a 70 and all of a sudden it felt like something grabbed my
> r and spun it.

> no cars around me thank god.  had a huge adrenaline rush. i'm lucky i was driv
> g down the center of the road, too.

That reminds me of an issue I had the first time I tried to drive to a new
workplace in the snow.  The entrance close to me is, from my direction, on
an incline.  I had to stop in the center turn lane because there were cars
coming the other way.  Some bozo pulled out of an entrance across the
street, going too fast, and started sliding all over the road, mostly in
the lane I was in.

Somehow, he unbozoed just long enough to manage to get around me before
losing control again.  He was lucky he didn't wind up in oncoming traffic.
If I had not been there for him to steer around, I think he would have.

After that, when it snowed, I never tried going in that entrance.  I would
drive up the street a ways, turn into an always plowed side street (the
local utility company has an office on it), turn around and come back from
the other direction.

> that's the last time i pay attention to the weather report. i check the maps m
> elf now.

Always safest!


 * SLMR 2.1a * "My eyeballs nearly popped out!"
--- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
 * Origin: * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
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