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Message   Tiny    Jas Hud   Re: build back better   April 27, 2022
 1:03 PM *  

-=> Jas Hud wrote to Mike Powell <=-

 JH> no i drive it too. totally sucks in the snow.  i'm sure shawn can
 JH> handle it, though.

If the weather is too bad I'm not going anywhere anyway.

 JH> no cars around me thank god.  had a huge adrenaline rush. i'm lucky i
 JH> was driving down the center of the road, too.

Ugh, hate losing control like that.  Once went sideways for over a klm
when I hit black ice on a back country road.  Scared the shit outta me.
That was a rear wheel drive crown vic taxi. :)


... You cannot be too careful in the choice of your enemies.

--- EzyBlueWave V3.00 01FB001F
 * Origin: Tiny's BBS - telnet:// (618:500/32)
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