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Message   Sean Dennis    Jas Hud   Subaru/AWD   April 25, 2022
 8:04 PM *  

Hello Jas,

25 Apr 22 16:09, you wrote to me:

 JH> well it's 1995.  how many miles are on it?

Around 250K.  Low mileage for a Pathfinder.

 JH> putting too much money into it is part of the problem, too.  have to
 JH> cut your losses.  and they probably started unabody after the the mid
 JH> 2000's so you could still get a newer suv. not worth it.

I have to put in less than $2000 to fix it.  Around here, $2000 would get you 
a jalopy.  It's much better to work with a known quantity than unknown.

Besides, I like my Pathfinder.  It's a good vehicle.

Now I will be getting another vehicle, more than likely something full-size, 
such as a pickup or an older work van.

-- Sean

... ASTROLOGY LAW: It's always the wrong time of the month.
--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
 * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (618:618/1)
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