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Message   Jas Hud    Arelor   Re: What a day   March 23, 2022
 8:26 AM *  

  To: Arelor
  Re: Re: What a day
  By: Arelor to Daryl Stout on Tue Mar 22 2022 08:31 pm

 > I am with Jad here. You sound a lot older than you are.
 > Age is prety much a state of the mind. I see a lot of people who is
 > pshysically trashed but has the mentality of a 20 years old. Then there is a
 > lot of people n their
 > 50s who has small aches and has the mentality of grandpas in their 90s.
 > I don't know what the key is, but it is there.
 > If I have the choice, I want to be like Christopher Lee when I grow up, and
 > die recording Heavy Metal albums in my 90s.

some people are just hypocondriacs, too. or they're just out of shape.

i knew a guy who was out of work for 5 years and started working at a job i was
at.  all he had to do was take a stack of ziploc lids and put them up on a
moving conveyor.  he wasn't even 40 years old and said he couldn't do it. he sat
in the breakroom like a baby until his supervisor met him and let him out.

his position got replaced by a mexican dude in his 70s.

i'm old and fat but i can still move.  if my body hurts, i dont lay down and
die. i just keep moving.
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 * Origin: Time Warp of the Future BBS - Home of League 10 (618:300/12)
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