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Message   digimaus    Tiny   Re: Covid   April 24, 2022
 10:27 PM *  

-=> Tiny wrote to Sean Dennis <=-

 Ti> Unfortunately.

I only drank heavily while in the Army and usually for good reason.

On to better things, I have discovered the joys of slow-cooked meat that
just falls apart to eat easier.

MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
      Title: Berks County Potato Dumplings
 Categories: Penndutch, Misc
      Yield: 1 Servings
      6 ea Potato
      1 ea Onion, grated
      1 ts Parsley, minced
     10 ea Sl Bread
      2 ea Egg, well beaten
      1 x  Salt & pepper
  Grate the potatoes. Soak bread in cold water and squeeze out as much
  of the water as possible. Mix together the bread, salt, pepper,
  grated onion and parsley. Add the grated potatoes and eggs and mix
  well. Form into balls, roll in flour gently, drop into boiling salted
  water, and cook in a covered pot for 15 minutes. These dumplings are
  excellent with sauerkraut, stewed chicken or meat.

-- Sean

... I never finish anything as I have a black belt in partial arts.
--- MultiMail/Linux
 * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (618:618/1)
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