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Message   Gamgee    Mike Powell   Re: Subaru/AWD   April 24, 2022
 2:16 PM *  

-=> Mike Powell wrote to GAMGEE <=-

 > Yes, although everything has gone up of course, trucks in particular
 > have just gotten ridiculous in recent years.  And yet.... the dealers
 > can't keep 'em on the lot.  Even with their crappy gas mileage.  :-)

 MP> And even with the chip shortage.  Back in early 2000, I bought a
 MP> 2000 Mustang.  One of the dealers I went to, the saleman that I
 MP> was talking to said he usually sold trucks, and that he preferred
 MP> to sell them because the markup on the trucks was a lot more that
 MP> on cars.

 MP> I was not too surprised.

Yeah, I believe that's very true (the markup is higher).  I think in the 
last 6-8 years the margin has grown even bigger.  To get a nice/loaded 
standard duty 4x4 pickup these days, you're in the $70K neighborhood.  

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