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Message   Mark Hofmann    Gamgee   Re: build back better   April 24, 2022
 8:15 AM *  

G> Yeah, the old school stuff is pretty cool. Not everybody has the skills
G> and shop/location to be able to do that, though. I certainly don't.
G> The finishing touch would be to install an 8-track player in it. ;-)

Working on vehicles was not something that I originally thought I would enjoy
and I did it out of necessity many years ago.  Fast forward to today.  I
actually really enjoy it and now that I no longer have to rush to fix something
on a vehicle because it is the only vehicle and need it to get to work.  That is
why I have (4) vehicles and (2) motorcycles.  Always have several backup methods
of transportation when needed.

G> Hehe, that's a whole 'nother category, there. :-)

Most soccer Mom's would say the M35 is ugly, kills the ozone, etc.  I think it
is a work of arm and would use it as my daily driver.  The entire neighborhood
could get the pleasure of hearing me fire it up each morning.

- Mark

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