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Message   Kurt Weiske    Jas Hud   build back better   April 21, 2022
 6:09 PM *  

  Re: build back better
  By: Jas Hud to Sean Dennis on Thu Apr 21 2022 03:43 pm

JH> i used a place that is a business made from former employees of my credit
JH> union. they are even in the same building. you test drive the car and walk
JH> across the hall and get your loan. 

Those are nice. I'm a member of Patelco, the old Pacific Bell credit union, and
they used to have parking lot car sales. Same deal, you could buy a used car and
secure financing at the same time.

Credit unions were great just starting out - they were lenient with overdrsaft
fees, often offered lots of services like credit cards and loans that you'd have
a harder time securing when just starting out, and being able to get a car loan
for a used auto was painful at best elsewhere.

During the 2008 financial crisis, most of the credit unions I knew of disclosed
that they had no at-risk assets on their books.

I'm a member of another credit union now that pays interest on checking with no
minimum and reimburses me for foreign ATM surcharges.
--- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
 * Origin: -- information is power. (618:300/1)
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