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Message   Tiny    Jas Hud   build back better   April 20, 2022
 1:20 PM *  

-=> Jas Hud wrote to Tiny <=-

 JH> well, it's a long haul. on the last day i run my ass out of there.

Darn right!

 JH> the woman i live with has and escape and the gas mileage isnt great.
 JH> also no 4wd.   that's good that you can manually shift, so that might
 JH> help.

So far it's pretty good.  However I'm used to a 22 year old minivan with a
6 cyl, so I expect it to be about the same as this is a 2010 escape and is
quite a bit larger then the new ones.

 JH> my kia gets great gas mileage but i have to hide it. people tried to
 JH> steal it twice already.  kia theft is huge in milwaukee. ---

They have a high resale value.  I wanted to get a kia / hyundai like my
wife's but the market is insane right now.


... The purpose of computing is insight, not numbers.

--- EzyBlueWave V3.00 01FB001F
 * Origin: Tiny's BBS - telnet:// (618:500/32)
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