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Message   Jas Hud    Tiny   Covid   April 19, 2022
 9:49 AM *  

  To: Tiny
  Re: Covid
  By: Tiny to Jas Hud on Tue Apr 19 2022 01:25 pm

 > From Newsgroup: Micronet.MIN_CHAT
 > -=> Jas Hud wrote to Tiny <=-
 >  JH> what the fuck are you guys doing that you are getting covid this much?
 > I wish we knew man.  It's almost like Andrea and I are passing it back
 > and forth.  I mean we've even moved to seperate bedrooms seperate laundry
 > etc etc trying not to make each other sick.  Next step in May I'll move
 > into the woods full time and see if just being away from each other will
 > help.  We're running out of ideas and obviously it's not good for a marriage
 > to not be able to spend any quality time together.

well hydrogen peroxide is good for killing covid.
i suggest rinsing our your mouths with it on a regular basis and spray it on
surfaces and leave it to dry.
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