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Message   Tiny    Jas Hud   build back better   April 19, 2022
 1:33 PM *  

-=> Jas Hud wrote to All <=-

 JH> well, i though i had something good here with working 3 12 hr days and
 JH> then having 4 days off.  now with prices going up and all the changes
 JH> i've decided to take up a pt job.

I used to love that shift myself in the summer time.

 JH> i gassed up my kia a little bit and the dollars were flying by on
 JH> the gas pump.  i didnt even put in half a tank and what i paid was more
 JH> than what i paid before for a full tank.

Picked up my "new" escape a few days ago.  Filled it just to see what kind
of miliage I get.  Will let you know once I start going places.  I got the
XLT 4cyl engine with the 5 speed manual so I can shift for gas usage not
racing. :)

 JH> so much for the sitting on my ass.
 JH> I'll be repairing and sanitizing kids play areas, indoor and outdoors,
 JH> so that sounds decent for extra money.

At least that's a job you can feel good about at the end of the day man.


... Never test for an error you don't know how to handle.

--- EzyBlueWave V3.00 01FB001F
 * Origin: Tiny's BBS - telnet:// (618:500/32)
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