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Message   Arelor    Jas Hud   Telegard   April 17, 2022
 7:15 AM *  

  Re: Telegard
  By: Jas Hud to Sean Dennis on Sat Apr 16 2022 05:23 pm

 >   To: Sean Dennis
 >   Re: Telegard
 >   By: Sean Dennis to Jas Hud on Sat Apr 16 2022 12:11 pm
 >  > From Newsgroup: Micronet.MIN_CHAT
 >  > Hello Jas,
 >  > 16 Apr 22 07:56, you wrote to me:
 >  >  JH> you dont need all that fancy shit.  just get  a cheap harddrive and
 >  >  JH> backup to it.  or a couple of cheap ones.
 >  > It's not "fancy shit".  It's having multiple backup options in case a bac
 >  > fails (which happens).  You forget that I did this for a living and for m
 >  > it's not anything out of the ordinary.
 > i'm not saying that you cant do it.  i'm saying that the likely hood that yo
 > WON'T do it arrises when you get complicated with it.  my backups are easy a
 > get done.  i've heard people talk about complicated backup schemes but they 
 > up not having the backups.

Hahahahaha, so true.

If you have a complex backup system you really need to automate it.

When I only had 2 Tb of personal data to backup I had a very simple
backup policy:

1) Checksum all the files and compare the results to the last known good
checksums (because backing up corrupt data is not good).

2) Rsync the files to a external drive. I used the hard-links trick to have
weekly "snapshots" to roll back to if need be.

3) The external drive was moved offsite the next day and another drive was
brought in (I actually used two drives which I rotated offsite-insite).

Nowadays that won't do, so I have turned two old workstations into makeshift
NAS servers and I just dump to both monthly (unless there are critical changes
I want to register to backup, in which case I trigger a manual backup).

--- SBBSecho 3.15-Linux
 * Origin: Palantir * * Pensacola, FL * (618:250/24)
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