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Message   Northern Realms    All   Daily Horoscope   April 17, 2022
 8:01 AM *  

NYPost Daily Horoscope for Sunday, April 17, 2022

***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
The year ahead will be busy in the extreme, so try to avoid taking on any more
chores and responsibilities for family and friends. Certain people have been
coasting because you do almost everything for them. Now they must learn to
look after themselves.

**** Aquarius ****
January 20 - February 18
Be careful what you say early in the week because some people are very touchy
and won't take kindly to your tell-it-like-it-is approach. You may not care if
their feelings get hurt but why make another enemy when you don't have to?

**** Pisces ****
February 19 - March 20
You may be tempted to make a last-minute decision about a money matter but the
planets warn if you have left it to this late stage it might be best to forget
about it altogether. You won't get the best deal if the clock is running down.

**** Aries ****
March 21 - April 19
What you have been worrying about will almost certainly never happen, so stop
with the doom and gloom and enjoy life this week. The world is still a
wonderful place and there are still some wonderful people in it. You're one of

**** Taurus ****
April 20 - May 20
You could find yourself being pulled in two opposing directions over the next
few days but once the Sun moves into your sign in midweek you will know for
sure which way to go. Start thinking about the future, it will be here very

**** Gemini ****
May 21 - June 20
The question you have been asking yourself is do you take a risk of some kind
or do you play safe? Only you can answer that but what occurs early this week
will give you a very big hint. If you are feeling lucky then take a chance.

**** Cancer ****
June 21 - July 22
This is not a good time to cut corners or bend rules. Both in your private
life and at work you will get further faster if you stick to tried and trusted
ways of doing things. It might be boring but it will get you there in the end.

**** Leo ****
July 23 - August 22
You may have to admit that you have taken a wrong turning or in some other way
messed up. Do it quickly, then put it behind you. No one expects you to be
perfect and there is no reason why you should expect it of yourself. You're
human too.

**** Virgo ****
August 23 - September 22
The planets warn it could be dangerous to poke your nose into other people's
business over the next few days. Even if you believe there is something
underhand going on it is not your place to play detective. You've got your own
secrets to keep!

**** Libra ****
September 23 - October 22
Some of the changes that take place this coming week may not be to your liking
but they will be to your benefit, so go with the flow and expect to end up
some place good. Life will be different, of course, but it should be better

**** Scorpio ****
October 23 - November 21
Get cracking on any unfinished tasks right away because when the Sun changes
signs in midweek relationships of one sort or another will take up a bigger
chunk of your time. You don't have to get everything completed but do
something at least.

**** Sagittarius ****
November 22 - December 21
Something will happen this week that makes you wonder if you are the only one
who does not know what's going on. Maybe it's true, maybe others have been
holding out on you - or maybe you've been walking around with your eyes

**** Capricorn ****
December 22 - January 19
Few things in life stay the same for long and what occurs over the next few
days will remind you that trying to resist the future is like trying to turn
back the tide. The good news is that change brings opportunity and that's what
you thrive on.

(C) 2022 NYP Holdings, Inc. & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved

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 * Origin: Northern Realms (618:500/23)
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