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Message   Sean Dennis    Arelor   Backups   April 16, 2022
 12:07 PM *  

Hello Arelor,

16 Apr 22 08:40, you wrote to Kevin Nunn:

 Ar> For example, a Business plan with a REAL **BACKUP** vendor will cost
 Ar> you around 1 100 USD in 4 years, which is the time I expect to be able
 Ar> to use a local NAS worth 1 800 before a big update is required. A real
 Ar> backup vendor also gives you manageability advantages (such as the
 Ar> ability to track old versions of your files) which you would have to
 Ar> hack yourself with your own solution. *

I like the busines continuinty (sp?) plan: hot, warm, and cold backups.

From me:

- Hot backups: backups on a local NAS, AWS S3
- Warm backups: backup to a USB stick stored in a media safe in my closet
- Cold backups: tape backups stored in a storage room in town using the 
grandfather/father/son incremental backup method

-- Sean

... I'm going to start collecting highlighters.  Mark my words!
--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
 * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (618:618/1)
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