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Message   Northern Realms    All   Daily Horoscope   April 16, 2022
 8:00 AM *  

NYPost Daily Horoscope for Saturday, April 16, 2022

***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
Because there is a full moon on your birthday this year you must expect to be
challenged both at home and at work. The way to overcome those challenges is
to keep negative emotions in check and make decisions based purely on logic
and love.

**** Aquarius ****
January 20 - February 18
Try not to take it personally if some people are critical of what you are
doing this weekend. They may have plenty to say for themselves but most likely
their comments come from a good place - and they know what they are talking

**** Pisces ****
February 19 - March 20
There is no need to panic. Yes, what's going on in your world is challenging
and, yes, radical changes will be needed to fix the situation, but you've been
here before and come through unscathed so why get in such a tizz about it this

**** Aries ****
March 21 - April 19
Today's full moon means you will need to protect yourself against people who
want to get rich or get ahead in the world at your expense. You may be
assertive by nature but this is one of those occasions when defensive measures
are a must.

**** Taurus ****
April 20 - May 20
Follow your instincts this weekend, even if by doing so you find yourself on a
collision course with people it might be wiser to avoid. If you ignore what
your inner voice is saying you could end up kicking yourself for being so

**** Gemini ****
May 21 - June 20
You seem to be having second thoughts about a relationship of some kind, but
because there is a full moon this weekend you would be wise not to make any
drastic decisions just yet. Most likely those second thoughts will pass pretty

**** Cancer ****
June 21 - July 22
You can, if you choose, get angry with someone who has let you down but what's
the point if you are the one who ends up feeling bad? Put it down to
experience and resolve never to let that individual get this close to you

**** Leo ****
July 23 - August 22
Others may say you are avoiding an issue that needs to be dealt with, and
maybe you are, but on this occasion it does seem to be the smartest strategy.
If you can't do anything about what's going on then why get worked up about

**** Virgo ****
August 23 - September 22
The danger now is that you will allow someone to take advantage of your
generous nature. If they need assistance of a practical nature then by all
means give it to them, but if they need cash make sure you know what they're
going to spend it on.

**** Libra ****
September 23 - October 22
A full moon in your sign will encourage you to be emotional in situations
where it might be wiser to keep your cool. Whatever provocations come your way
this weekend take a few deep breaths and count slowly to ten before deciding
what action to take.

**** Scorpio ****
October 23 - November 21
Limit yourself to the one or two things you do really well this weekend. If
you spread yourself too thin you won't make as much progress as you would have
done had you been more selective in your activities. Not even a Scorpio can do
it all.

**** Sagittarius ****
November 22 - December 21
Plan your schedule carefully this weekend and make sure other people's
personal problems don't intrude on your activities. Let everyone know right
from the start that you are too busy to waste time on matters they should be
taking care of themselves.

**** Capricorn ****
December 22 - January 19
Because the current full moon cuts across the domestic and career angles of
your chart you will be torn between what needs to be done at home and what
needs to be done at work. Put your home life first. Relationships matter more
than success.

(C) 2022 NYP Holdings, Inc. & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved

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