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   Networked Database  General Micronet Network Chatter...   [29 / 2000] RSS
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Message   Daryl Stout    Ray Quinn   Re: What a day   March 21, 2022
 8:53 PM *  


 RQ> Good luck with that. My weight has gone up at least 25 pounds as I was
 RQ> not able to do anything and my physical therapist said not to ride the
 RQ> stationary bike we have. I can now, but the motivation just isn't
 RQ> there.

  Uber FUBER'ed my bank account, to where my debit card was locked. So, a
ton of transactions got declined. They were charging me in advance for
rides that never showed up. So, after being declined at the cardiologist
today, they're going to bill me instead...and I had to go request a new
card...then make several phone calls to update things.

 RQ> One last thing: I have been trying to send you netmail with a question
 RQ> regarding the Radio Weather Net but cannot connect. Can you poll my
 RQ> system to retrieve the message? The information is current in the
 RQ> nodelist for 1:214/22 (or 1:214/0). Of course, you could also poll my
 RQ> Micronet address as long as you present all AKA's. It is the same as
 RQ> below without the point.

  I'll save the trouble here...this is the Readers Digest version.

  The QWK System (Mojo's BBS) and FTN System (Kris Jones' BBS), both shut
down a good while back...and the network went QRT with it.

Daryl, WX4QZ

... I don't have time to wait for instant gratification.
=== MultiMail/Win v0.52
--- SBBSecho 3.15-Win32
 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)
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