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Message   Arelor    Brian Klauss   she probably won't like linux   April 14, 2022
 3:35 PM *  

  Re: she probably won't like linux
  By: Brian Klauss to Arelor on Wed Apr 13 2022 02:15 pm

 >   Re: she probably won't like linux
 >   By: Arelor to August Abolins on Wed Apr 13 2022 07:33 am
 >  > Agreed. Those people should be using WIndows because that is what they wa
 >  > to use :-)
 > As Windows evolved, the userbase devolved in lockstep.  I feel that Windows
 > users are either really good or exceptionally bad.  Although I use Windows f
 > work, my daily drivers are MacOS-based systems or Linux (RHEL, Ubuntu, etc.)
 > My father, as an example, has been using Windows since 3.1.  As Windows got
 > more evolved, I swear he got more lost with it.  After putting him in front 
 > a Mac, it seems more familiar and easier to use for him.
 > Personally, just give me a *nix shell and I'm good.
 > Brian Klauss <-> Dream Master
 > Caught in a Dream | a Synchronet BBS

When it comes to computer users, there are just two sorts:

The ones that are willing to learn how to use their computers, and the ones who

That's it. If presented with a task they don't know how to do, a certain sort
of person will read the fucking manual up to the point he needs in order to
learn how to do it, and the other will call upon the IT guy and tell him that
computers suck and that he sucks.

In my mind, the difference between a typical power user who knows his way
around standard tools and a bearded cowboy who smells like horse and runs
programs through a debugger is that the first one didn't have the need to learn
the difference between GLIBC and BSD LibC in order to do what he needs to do.

I don't think Windows users are different in this regard.

I don't think there is a mid-level computer user anymore, in any field. Those
who can't learn can't use the computer for the life of them, while those who
can learn just l├▒earn as much as they need.

--- SBBSecho 3.15-Linux
 * Origin: Palantir * * Pensacola, FL * (618:250/24)
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