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Message   Kurt Weiske    Brian Klauss   Re: Moving soon (not sure if   April 14, 2022
 9:23 AM *  

-=> Brian Klauss wrote to Kevin Nunn <=-

 BK> My wife wants to build a new house.  Her current position is that we
 BK> "de-clutter" the current house to the point where we limit our move.
 BK> We're going on almost a year and there's been very little movement in
 BK> the "de-clutter" but she has definitely found more storage to put
 BK> "clutter" onto.  I give up.

I'm a firm believer in decluttering instead of paying to move crap that will 
stay in the box you moved it in. I've done that more times that I'd like to 

I've used a clutter expert in the past - she was pricey, but well worth it. 
We had a 2 car garage full of stuff. Part of the process was to take 
*everything* out of the garage. This is important.

Once it's out, you need to decide whether or not it's important to keep. 
There's lots of criteria you could use. Everything that went back in went 
into a specific place, so we had a place for outdoor gear, a place for extra 
dishes/flatware/party/holiday stuff, computer gear, tools, kids toys, 
seasonal clothes, etc.

Roughly 1/3 of the stuff went into a dumpster, 1/3 was donated, and 1/3 went 
back in. When it went back in (see the previous paragraph) everything had 
a place, we knew what we had and didn't have (so no buying to replace things 
you can't find) and it stayed organized.

We have a storage space in our current house that's the length of the house, 
about 10 feet deep, 60 feet wide and with a sloping ceiling that's 4 feet in 
the back and 7 in the front. It's full of stuff, and we've gotten rodents in 
there. I need to empty it out, find the holes, plug them up, then drywall 
and finish the space.

I'm expecting 1/3 of the current contents will go back.

... Emphasize the flaws
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