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Message   Jas Hud    Kurt Weiske   Re: Moving soon (not sure if it went earlier)   April 13, 2022
 6:20 PM *  

  To: Kurt Weiske
  Re: Re: Moving soon (not sure if it went earlier)
  By: Kurt Weiske to Jas Hud on Wed Apr 13 2022 06:55 am

 > From Newsgroup: Micronet.MIN_ADMIN
 > -=> Jas Hud wrote to Brian Klauss <=-
 >  JH> i get those big 45 gal walmart tubs and just dump stuff in there and
 >  JH> label it. then anything else goes on the top of my suv and i tie it
 >  JH> down.
 > The last time I helped a friend move, he obsessively wrapped everything in
 > bubble wrap before boxing it - even his TV remotes and an end table.
 > He ended up running out of bubble wrap before he got to the big breakable
 > items. Oops...

ripped up cardboard boxes and tape are great for protecting items. i've also
wrapped big screen tvs in blankets and taped them around.
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