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Message   Ray Quinn    Kurt Weiske   What a day   April 12, 2022
 6:26 PM *  

   Hello Kurt!

10 Apr 22 07:00, you wrote to me:

 KW> -=> Ray Quinn wrote to Kurt Weiske <=-

 RQ>> Actually, we just bought a brand new dryer as our old one (15+
 RQ>> years old) finally bit the dust and literaly wore out - the drum
 RQ>> wore through the frame around the door and was tearing up the
 RQ>> laundry. The new one is quiet and works well...

 KW> I used to hate new washers/dryers - we have one at our cabin that's
 KW> agitator-less, and it takes 40 minutes to fill.

That's quit some time. I don't usually do the laundry, but I don't think ours
takes very long at all. I think the entire cycle is less than that.

 KW> I bought a new kit for my house, and it takes less time to sense - and
 KW> when it's running, uses just enough water to cover the clothes. It's
 KW> helped with my water bill, and it's amazing at getting stains out.

For years, we were on a flat-rate type service. Then they went to a metered
service and the bills went way down. They realized that most people were using
quite a bit less than they were previously billed.

A few months after we moved in, the water service ran brand new water line down
the street and connected everyone through the faucet. They then disconnected the
old line that went through the back of the properties. The neighborhood was
built around 1960.

73 de W6RAY Ray Quinn
Visalia, CA DM06II
Ham Shack Hotline 4655

--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
 * Origin: Ray's Road Node | Somewhere in California. (618:300/18.23)
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