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Message   Sean Dennis    Jas Hud   Telegard   April 13, 2022
 9:12 PM *  

Hello Jas,

13 Apr 22 17:58, you wrote to me:

 JH> I don't know if you know the VADV roland de graff story, but bryan
 JH> turner told me that Roland only keep the source code to vadv on ONE
 JH> computer and he did not back it up.  when the harddrive failed he
 JH> picked up the computer and threw it on the floor out of frustration.
 JH> i guess he didn't think of using harddrive recover experts.

I was told the same story by a sysop who knows/knew Roland personally.  That 
would have been absolutely maddening.  With Cheepware, I keep backups both on 
and offline.  I need to upload the latest source code for the doors to my 
Sourceforge repo eventually.

-- Sean

... After we pull the pin, Mr. Grenade is not our friend.
--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
 * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (618:618/1)
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