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Message   Jas Hud    Kevin Nunn   Moving soon (not sure if   April 13, 2022
 6:05 PM *  

  To: Kevin Nunn
  Re: Moving soon (not sure if
  By: Kevin Nunn to Jas Hud on Wed Apr 13 2022 10:56 am

 > From Newsgroup: Micronet.MIN_CHAT
 > -=> JAS HUD wrote to KEVIN NUNN <=-
 > (Moved to General Chat so IronFist(tm) doesn't make an appearance)
 >  JH> i hate moving. especially because i have a fishtank and other pets.
 > Oh god yes, I used to have aquariums and they were such a pain to move.
 > I want to get one (or more) again, but waiting till I find a place I
 > plan to stay at for awhile.
 > Kev

i only have one 35gal hex aquarium now, but moving it was difficult and some
fish died from stress.  it's hard to drain it, it's hard to collect the fish,
and it's hard to relocate it.   i used to have this fishtank and then several 5,
10, 20 gal tanks on racks that  i kept beta fish in, with special lighting and
that was cool.  at that point it looked like i was running a fish store.
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 * Origin: Time Warp of the Future BBS - Home of League 10 (618:300/12)
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