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Message   Arelor    Kurt Weiske   Re: she probably won't like linux   April 13, 2022
 7:39 AM *  

  Re: Re: she probably won't like linux
  By: Kurt Weiske to Arelor on Mon Apr 11 2022 06:53 am

 > -=> Arelor wrote to August Abolins <=-
 >  Ar> My position nowadays when somebody asks me for help setting some OS
 >  Ar> installed for a general task is that Linux and BSD is the only thing I
 >  Ar> support, and if they want to use Windows because it is so easy, they
 >  Ar> can  set it up themselves since it is such an user friendly operating
 >  Ar> system.
 >  Ar> It is not that I am a Windows hater. I just value my time :-)
 > If you're a paid consultant, Windows could be a goose laying golden eggs.

The only Windows machine I have to deal with acts as a controler for a
radiodiagnostics unit. It works completelly off-line, no Internet access. So
far it works fine and has never given issue.

I don't get paid by closing tickets, fortunately. I am paid for being available

--- SBBSecho 3.15-Linux
 * Origin: Palantir * * Pensacola, FL * (618:250/24)
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