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Message   Arelor    Mark Hofmann   Re: HVAC   March 22, 2022
 5:01 AM *  

  Re: Re: HVAC
  By: Mark Hofmann to Kurt Weiske on Mon Mar 21 2022 08:39 pm

 > KW> MH> "Smile, and take their money."
 > KW> "The company is not your friend -- or your family"
 > KW> "Your obligation to your employer ends with each pay check. So does
 > KW> theirs."
 > You could even substitute the words "company/employer" with "government" the
 > and they would still be true statements.
 > Starting your own business is not easy, but at least you can avoid all the b
 > corporate indocturing crap.  I could actually enjoy my entire day like the g
 > old days.
 > - Mark

I am still trying to decide whether corporations are an extension of the
government, or the government is just a big corporation itself. Or a bit of

A lot of private industry in Spain has the government as their sole customer.
It is hard to argue that a private infrastructure firm is independent when they
get all their money from the government and do what the government says when
the government says.

I remember talking to a worker and asking him who was his employer. He told me:
"The government. Well, actually ACS, but that is the government, right?"

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