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Message   Kurt Weiske    Mark Hofmann   Re: HVAC   March 19, 2022
 9:54 AM *  

-=> Mark Hofmann wrote to Nick Andre <=-

 MH> Here is a strategy to apply on any bad days at work.

 MH> "Smile, and take their money."

"The company is not your friend -- or your family"

"Your obligation to your employer ends with each pay check. So does theirs."

 MH> Working is a mutual using relationship.  We work for money to live, and
 MH> the organization needs us to work for them to exist.


 MH> I knew really early that companies could cut you and not shed even a
 MH> slight tear no matter who you are. Covid was a perfect example of that.
 MH>  No shot, you are out the door.  Doesn't matter if you are the best,
 MH> smartest, hardest working, etc.  No one gives a shit.  That is
 MH> something to learn really early on and understand.

I've worked on and off as a consultant, and to do that successfully, you 
need to be always looking for the next gig, the next client, the next 
opportunity. I figured I'd spend a good third of my time looking for new 
clients and opportunities, so when my engagement ended with one client, I 
wasn't back to square one.

Friends of mine who have spent their careers as fulltime employees have a 
harder time with job insecurity, especially those of us who grew up with 
Waiters on Wheels delivering food every night, donuts on Fridays, bagel 
mondays, company outings, evangelist company leaders who owned majority 
stakes in the company, and so on. I used to be one of those people.

I suppose my LinkedIn profile status should read "It's Complicated..."


 MH> The minute I feel like not working anymore, I will leave and not give a
 MH> shit either.

 MH> - Mark

 MH> --- WWIVToss v.1.52
 MH>  * Origin: * Bel Air, MD -USA
 MH> (618:100/12.0)

... Everyone's an atheist until it's time for a BIOS update.
--- MultiMail/DOS v0.52
 * Origin: -- information is power. (618:300/1)
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