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Message   Nick Andre    Arelor   Re: Huh   September 8, 2024
 7:44 PM *  

On 08 Sep 24  18:26:00, Arelor said the following to Nick Andre:

 > What I always found amusing was the animated flying envelopes for emails and
 > Usenet postings in Mission Impossible.... Tom Cruise being a super hacker
 > spamming every group involving the Book of Job.
A> It was worse in Spain because we didn't have much knowledge of what Usenet w
A> back then (or now, for that matter). I think in the Spanish version they
A> refered to it as "The Internet" so a lot of people didn't really know what t
A> fuck was going on XD

Ha! All I know is the first time I saw that movie, when I saw that particular
"email client" I actually took a moment to search for one like it :)


--- Renegade vY2Ka2
 * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (618:500/24)
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