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Message   digimaus    All   Autumn   August 11, 2024
 7:19 PM *  

Hi everyone,

I'm starting to notice a bit of a fall-like feeling in the air locally
though I know darn well that towards the end of the month it'll get hot as
hell again before fall settles in.  But it's nice to have a bit of cool air. 
Autumn is my favorite time of year.  I am hoping to have a better autumn than
I did last year as around Labor Day (1 September), I caught COVID again and
it was the worst case yet.  I hope not to repeat last fall and winter as I
was not only sick the whole time but I was hospitalized for nearly the
entirety of winter.

I bought a new little pre-lighted Christmas tree that I didn't even get to
take out of the box lasy year.  I'm hoping to be able to spend all of the
holidays at home and happy this year.

I recently discovered that one of my amateur radios that I thought was broken
is ineed fully functional so I have been saving up for a few months to buy a
special type of amateur rafio antenna that I can use in my living situation. 
It's not cheap--around USD$450 when it's all said and done--but I'll be able
to mount it on my access ramp without issue.  It's 23 feet (7 meters) tall
but has a profile to where it is not easily noticeable.  It will be nice to
have the radio working to have something fun to do when it's too cold and
dark outside to do anything else.

The new BBS is going well and I'm glad I finally switched over systems.

Now to get the apartment cleaned up and ready for next big

-- Sean
--- MultiMail/Linux
 * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (618:618/1)
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