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Message   Digimaus    All   Alive?   July 18, 2024
 9:48 PM *  

Contrary to the rumors, I'm still very much alive.

The main thing is my health.  I've been struggling with my diabetes as usual
but now it's suspected that I have Crohn's disease from overzealous use of
antibiotics by the sole infectious diseases doctor at my VA hospital.  I have
an appointment with gastroenterology next month to see if I actually do have
Crohn's.  All I'll say is this is terrible and I'd not with this on anyone.  I
get so dehydrated so fast that I have to go to th ER and the IV saline
treatment to bring my body back up to the right hydration levels.

I've been dealing with a lot of family issues as well that take up a lot of

But the biggest one now is that I've been (slowly) makling progress moving the
BBS back to MBSE.  Andrew and I have been working a lot to make MBSE much
better.  I'm also rewriting the documentation for it, documenting a lot of
hidden features that were never mentioned in the docs, and am finally learninf
C after 40 years of avoiding it...

I have also been working on Cheepware.  I now have my doors working under DOS,
Linux, and FreeBSD.  OS/2 and Win32 are being worked on.  I could theoretically
make Win64 doors but I don't see a need to do that now.  I've forked the
MannDoor toolkit into my own version, MultDoor (pronounced "multi";), and it's
working well so far.

I'll be a lot more active from now on as things have calmed down a bit
externally though my own health isn't doing so well but I'm trying to get

I'll be turning 52 next month and I'm looking forward to another year.

-- Sean

... Hypochondria is the only disease I don't have.
--- MultiMail/Win v0.52
 * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (618:618/1)
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