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Message   Jas Hud    Mike Powell   The weird scam call   July 17, 2024
 5:25 PM *  

  To: Mike Powell
  Re: The weird scam call
  By: Mike Powell to ARELOR on Wed Jul 17 2024 10:49 am

 > From Newsgroup:
 > > Does anybody have the slightiest idea of what the goal was? My theory is
 > > that it was a recognizansse job to harvest data for future attacks.
 > Could be.  There used to be some funny scam here in the states where they'd
 > get you to call a number and then somehow make money from you simply calling
 > that number.  I never understood how that worked, since they wouldn't have
 > your account info, unless they were making the money via your phone bill,
 > with the phone company being the middle man in the transaction.
 > I just recently had someone falsely attempt to obtain a credit card in my
 > name.  The card company contacted me to make sure I applied for it.  I said
 > I had not so they cancelled it.  The odd thing is that the bad card came
 > here instead of going to the fraudster.
 > I pulled a copy of a credit report and can see that the application
 > apparently had my home address on it.  The difference is the phone number
 > is not mine and is from outside of my area.  I suspect they are trying to
 > get that phone number linked to my public record so that, in future, they
 > can use it to gain access to other information.

also with AI, people can get voice recordings to work with and then use them to
exploit people later one.
who knows what could happened.
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