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Message   Arelor    Mike Powell   Vegan soap?   July 17, 2024
 3:55 AM *  

  Re: Vegan soap?
  By: Mike Powell to SLINKY on Mon Jul 15 2024 08:57 am

 > Sort of what I figured, I just thought it was funny.  If someone is vegan
 > because they are concerned about animal cruelty, knowning that your soap
 > doesn't likely contain any animal byproducts is probably important.

I think there is an unhealthy fixation with the lack of animal ingredients from
self-professed animal lovers. I am the official animal hugger everywhere I go
and I don't find it troublesome that something is made of milk or eggs of
whatevre. What really makes a difference is how that stuff was produced.

I mean, my hens live in a very big yard full of bushes they can run around or
hide under. There is a hen farm half a mile from here with a vast amount of free
range hens that have a nice quality of life. The cows they usually keep grazing
near my main horseyard are very well kept. They also range quite freely, and I'd
say they live better than I.

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