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Message   ROBERT WOLFE    Sean Dennis   Telegard   April 8, 2022
 9:08 AM *  

-> Hello Jas, 
-> 07 Apr 22 14:13, you wrote to me: 
->  JH> yeah but you get irritated by every software! 
-> Some more than others.  But I've reached a point that I'm done with that now 
-> It's either MBSE or I will just shut down.  The stress isn't worth it now. 
-> -- Sean 
-> ... You learn something useless every day. 
-> --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707 
->  * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (618:618/1) 
Yeah, Thomas Kloos is shutting his WINServer system down so I am in 
need of another Fido feed -- again.  Though he SAYS he MIGHT be going 
over to Mystic -- mainly because it seems that Hector Santos has gone 
MIA now for some reason as the only tweets he seems to be posting on 
their twitter account is about Will Smith. 
... This is Myra I Fox of FIDO's TAGLINES Conference. Ooh, she's witty, Jim! 
--- Wildcat! v8.0.454.12 (May  9 2021), Editor Mod v2.1 
 * Origin: Omicron Thetta * Cordova TN * (618:100/14)
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