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Message   Sean Dennis    All   Quiet   April 5, 2024
 10:02 AM *  

(I just posted this message in MIN_ADMIN and am posting it here in case anyone
else is wondering about me.)

=== Cut ===
Hello All,

I have been meaning to write this message for a while now.  I was awakened by
our pest control guy for the apartments I live in banging my door at 9 AM this
morning which got me out of bed and I noticed that Andrew had told me I need to
look at the BBS, so here I am.

I have been quiet since I got out of the hospital on February 15 as I have been
very busy.  I was hospitalized two weeks ago over the weekend due to angina
(heart pain from unknown causes).  Turns out I was very low in magnesium and I
then found out that not all of the blockages in my heart were cleared when I
had stents put in a couple of years ago.  So I had to undergo a nuclear stress
test (they inject a vasodialator into my system and a radioactive tracer to
stress my heart a good bit) and an echocardiogram.  Thankfully, all came back
normal.  My medications were changed and shuffled around and no angina since
then.  I'm taking care of my hypomagnesumia also.

My right foot is getting worse.  Seems the Charcot foot really damaged the
superstructure of my foot and I need to undergo foot reconstruction surgery
very soon in order to keep my foot and not lose it to amputation.  My
cardiologist and I discussed this and it saeems that he would "sign off" on the
surgery so I am now talking to my podiatrist about it.  This would mean an
eight to twelve week hospitalization.  However, unlike last time, I can plan
things.  I'd also be allowed to wear my own clothing (instead of hospital
pajamas) and I can bring my mobility scooter with me which would allow me to go
down to the main hospital when I needed to or if I wanted to visit the small
store they have there.

I also discovered that my current BBS setup is not conducive to remote
adminstration so I am moving my BBS back to MBSE under Linux and I am
considering setting up an ArcaOS VM for ProBoard testing and Cheepware
development.  I am currently waiting for a replacement hard drive to arrive and
I'll get the new system up and running.

Speaking of Cheepware, I've successfully compiled one of my doors for DOS and
Linux.  However, I need to update MultiDoor (my fork of MannDoor) with a lot of
new code I've written, including an error logging function.  That's on the back
burner for now.

My parents are considering moving so I have been busy trying to get the rest of
my stuff into a 10'x20' storage room I have rented.  It's difficult to do with
my right foot scting up but it'll get done.

I'm sorry that I have been so quiet.  But I am still around if needed and
Andrew keeps an eye on things for me.  If there's issues, he lets me know.

I am always available at if I don't respond to netmail in a
timely fashion.

I'm hoping for things to calm down a bit but I doubt that's going to happen
anytime soon.
=== Cut ===

-- Sean

... "Thanks a thousand." - Nelson Rockefeller
--- GoldED/2 3.0.1
 * Origin: Outpost BBS, Johnson City, TN / (618:618/1)
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