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Message   Jas Hud    Arelor   ai sucks   April 1, 2024
 10:28 PM *  

  To: Arelor
  Re: ai sucks
  By: Arelor to Mike Powell on Mon Apr 01 2024 05:15 pm

 > usually give it multiple samples. Now imagine all the "Rs" you show to it
 > have a hidden feature, like a particular ink color, or a small stain on the
 > border of the sample. THe machine would learn that all the letters with that
 > hidden feature are an "R". Then, in the wild, you could purposedly break the
 > AI results by presenting it a "C" that displayed the hidden feature and it
 > will be interpretated as an "R".
 > Now imagine the AI system is used to process bank checks and you can make it

we're going to have to do some urban warfare on AI soon or just become slaves.
I heard that people could get juggalo tattoos to confuse AI recognition systems.

Also you can identify someone by their gait. I have a unique walk from just
wrecking my body and because I am big and I move so fast.  They had an example
of gait detection on the punisher tv show.

We'll have to wear 4 inch heels on one foot.

did you ever see that shit where in china it reads your face and if you go
against the crosswalk it detects who you are by facial recognition and does a
little shame video of you on a screen?
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