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Message   Jas Hud    August Abolins   Happy Transgender day   March 31, 2024
 11:49 AM *  

  To: August Abolins
  Re: Happy Transgender day
  By: August Abolins to Jas Hud on Sun Mar 31 2024 11:22 am

 > "Throughout our country, atrocities are taking place in
 > doctor's offices and hospital operating rooms. Physically
 > healthy children and adolescents are being permanently
 > disfigured and sometimes sterilized. Those youth say they're
 > transgender, and we-their parents, teachers, therapists, and
 > doctors-are supposed to agree with their self-diagnosis and
 > take a back seat as they make the most consequential decision
 > of their lives: to alter their bodies in order to, we are told,
 > "align" them with their minds."

my ex's daughter was actually at this middle school that decided to be
an ultra liberal 'fine arts' school.  there was no fine art going on, no
curriculum was any different.  they had no sports teams and stuff like that
because they didn't have any money for it.

anyways, kids were pretty much peer pressured into being they/them  cross
dresser types.  i saw it happen over a year.  i'd be there picking her up for
school and it went from being a normal school to a bunch of boys wearing dresses
and purses and girls with short green and purple hair.

then my ex's daughter thought SHE was gay and got a girlfriend. she was nothing
but depressed and we had tons of problems and she tried catfishing men online
and they wanted to meet her for sex.  then she started drawing on her arms like
she had cuts and shit like that.  a bunch of other shit happened and it all was
very sad.  Luckily she aged out of the middle school and went to a normal
highschool and she is now a grown unconfused woman.

People shouldn't mess with little kid's minds like that. They are young and
fragile. they need the right kind of guidance.  Guiding them into being a trans
person who will end up killing themself is not the right way to go about things.
I saw firsthand that not only were these early 20's teachers encouraging
relationships, they were encouraging homosexual,etc relationships with the
children.  The teachers would ask the kids about their relationships and
manipulate.  Middle school kids are too young for that.
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