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Message   Kurt Weiske    Shurato   Re: Micronet Messages to 618:300/50...   March 29, 2024
 7:28 AM *  

-=> Shurato wrote to All <=-

 Sh> Ok, does anyone have any idea (Rick, my hub does not) why the only time
 Sh> I get messages into my node is when I send a messsage out?  They'll
 Sh> come in for a day or two, then stop entirely.  As soon as the hub gets
 Sh> a message from me during this hiatus, the messages will flood it.  I
 Sh> can poll the hub and get nothing.  As soon as I send a message (usually
 Sh> to the test echo), they start coming in for a short period of time.
 Sh> Any ideas why this would be so?

My first thought was Rick might have you set to HOLD mail, so he's not
sending you packets as they come in, or sending them on a schedule.

Then I thought maybe you're receiving mail from Rick but not tossing it
with your batch file that runs when you receive mail, but when you send
mail, that tosser command imports mail?

Does this happen with any other nets you're in?

I'd check your fido logs and see if you're receiving mail but not
tossing it.

... Mechanicalise something idiosyncratic
--- MultiMail/Win v0.52
 * Origin: -- information is power. (618:300/16)
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