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Message   Kurt Weiske    Mike Powell   Re: ai sucks   March 29, 2024
 7:20 AM *  

-=> Mike Powell wrote to JAS HUD <=-

 MP> I think it could be dangerous in the long (and even short) run.  As you
 MP> point out, many of the ai engines are scraping the net, which means
 MP> they are probably getting some good data and a whole lot of noise.
 MP> Soon, they will be just as good at spewing out misinformation as any
 MP> human could imagine to be.

 I read that one of the AI scientists was concerned that LLMs (what
 we're calling AI) rely on quality information to feed the language
 models. Now that we're flooding the net with AI-generated content, some
 of which is wholly inaccurate, or at the very least wildly
 apocryphal, that information is seeding the LLMs to create more
 innacurate AI content, and so on, and so on.

 MP> It is hard enough to get a good answer out of a group of people.
 MP> Throwing ai in there to pool a lot of information (good and bad) to
 MP> spew out answers won't help.

 We saw that on DOVEnet with a LLM that answered support questions.
 Sometimes it was spot on, other times it was way off.

... Listen to the quiet voice
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 * Origin: -- information is power. (618:300/16)
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