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Message   Kurt Weiske    Jas Hud   Re: ai sucks   March 29, 2024
 7:15 AM *  

-=> Jas Hud wrote to All <=-

 JH> i know i talked about this at another net that totally hates having me
 JH> there, but how do you guys feel about AI?

 We're in the "wild frontier" portion of AI. Try it out with
 everything, see where it sticks. AI alarm clocks. AI web search. AI
 assistants for Excel and Word.

 Back in the 50s, the fully electric kitchen was a thing. Manufacturers
 electrified everything, because they could, and because it was part of
 The Future.

 When's the last time you saw an electric can opener? They didn't stick,
 and kitchen appliances are appropriately electric.

 JH> Every day i see something disturbing.
 JH> People ask for help on reddit or a forum or quora and someone spews
 JH> chatgpt crap as an answer.

I think part of that is an economy that values quantity over quality of
posts. I see that all the time with people who post boilerplate answers
in support forums, I'm sure it counts to their total web post count, but
helps the support issue little.

Yes, I've got a minor problem with Windows. No, I haven't created a new
profile or reinstalled Windows.

 JH> When I had script problems the other day i did a search for the error
 JH> msg and got a few hits.  A guy asks for help  and a guy replies back
 JH> that he doesn't know if this code that he had chatgpt will work, but
 JH> posts it. Is THAT being helpful? (the real reason for the error is the
 JH> website disables api access if you don't login to the site in 6 months)

 JH> I mentioned this someplace but I had to talk to hr and it got directed
 JH> to the lady's cell number and google assistant quizzed me and refused
 JH> me.

 JH> I don't really see this bearing fruit so far. I know that these ai
 JH> companies are scraping the net, scraping youtube and getting any
 JH> information it can on us.  eventually it WILL be effective.  It's going
 JH> to be a frankenstein's monster. --- Synchronet 3.19b-Win32 NewsLink
 JH> 1.113
 JH>  * - - telnet://
 JH>  * Origin: * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)

... Listen to the quiet voice
--- MultiMail/Win v0.52
 * Origin: -- information is power. (618:300/16)
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