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Message   Mike Powell    JAS HUD   ai sucks   March 29, 2024
 8:26 AM *  

>  > Transportation issues -- the largest school system in Kentucky hired a
>  > company that used AI to help them with bus routes.  The result was a
>  > "staggered start" system where kids start and end school at different
>  > times.  I forget when the last end time was supposed to be, but it was
>  > before 5pm.  On the first day, there are some kids that didn't get home
>  > until after 9pm.  The system cancelled school for a week, promising that
>  > they'd fix it.
>that's sad that they would take that approach when they could have asked vetera
> drivers for feedback. I bet someone that worked there 10+ years would have bet
>er information than any company that uses AI.

Most likely so.  Part of their issue is a staff retention issue, though.
That district spends more money per student than any other district but
cannot keep staff (not just drivers, teachers, etc., too).  They say it is
because they need more money, but I suspect it is because they blow their
money on stupid stuff like this AI study.

>  > Kids are still not getting home in places until after 7pm, and kids that
>  > live within walking distance of schools (but who are not allowed by the
>  > system to walk home) are spending an hour or more on busses each
>  > afternoon/evening.

> That reminds me when my mom paid for me to go to a private school for a year.
> it was six miles away.  They wanted me to be picked up at 4:30am. school start
>  at 7am or something.
> It's a 13min drive from my house.   i got home over 2 hrs after school.

> The bus would pick up children in a different sequence and bounce all over tow
>  they had bad managment too.

In this case, from what I can gather from stories regarding my nieces bus
trips, the AI told them that bouncing around and having kids that live the
closest wait the longest after school for a bus was the way to go.

>  > Apparently the AI could take into account traffic patterns, etc., but not
>  > the minds and actions of youngsters.

> maybe they should use ants like the subway system story. if THAT is even real.

LOL, even if that story is not real I suspect they could not have done much
worse than they did.

After the initial issues, it was reported that the company that they paid
for the study had done the same thing in another similarly sized city and
got similar bad results.  I wondered why the local reporters were being so
positive about the changes before they happened but then waited to report
about the company's previous issue until after their plan didn't work.

 * SLMR 2.1a * Someone blew out his pilot light.
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