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Message   Jas Hud    Shurato   Re: RE: BBS Support Forum   March 29, 2024
 1:50 AM *  

  To: Shurato
  Re: Re: RE: BBS Support Forum
  By: Shurato to Jas Hud on Thu Mar 28 2024 11:50 pm

 >  JH> What? When did i make fun of you?
 > Maybe I'm just paranoid, but half of the time when I'm asking for help,
 > you
 > say you can't understand me.

well you don't really clarify your issue when you have a problem.
You usually just say you have a problem. Then it becomes 20 questions.

When you have a problem you should say what you did, what version you are
running and post your screenshots.

Like recently I was playing around and i upgraded my home test system.
I told the developer what steps i took and did screenshots or named off what i
downloaded and he was able to tell me right then what my issue was.

If I didn't like you, i wouldn't talk to you. I don't enjoy talking to people I
don't like. It's like wrestling a pig. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.
Every once in a while i wipe the slate [twitlist]clean and the usual guys come
out of their rock and take their shots at me.  that being said, i have been a
jerk in the past, but i'm usually just a jerk to other jerks. Or, I'm joking
around and people don't get it.

People that have known me for decades (there's still a few around) know i'm an
overall nice good person and very selfless.

Regarding all this bbs shit, i'm retired.  Pretty much once I cut my services
at  And i've forgotten or just packed away a lot of my knowledge
and what gave me a great edge with this stuff.  I still have it, but it takes a
awhile to recall with some things.  If you don't use it, you lose it.

anyways, i'm rambling. let me summarize.

if you got a problem, the best help you have is yourself. look at your logs and
see if you can see whats going wrong.  Talk to the developer of the software if
you have an issue with software.  If you have a problem with your ftn feed,
check out what they are doing.  There's a lot of feeds that are screwballs.
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